Frazier Park
We are an office that serves Valley Oaks Charter School families living in the Frazier Park area. We are located at 3015 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park, CA 93225.
We have one resource teacher: Debbie Williams with office hours that vary. We are available for appointments and some tutoring if needed. Our phone number is (661) 245-3537. Her email is
Note: Sometimes we are out of the office, so please leave a message.
Our office facility allows us to have enrichment classes and other gatherings, as well as computer Star testing. Enrichment classes vary and include TK-8 grades and are based on the needs/desires of our students. Family picnics, holiday parties, and our own field trips are also part of VOCS Frazier Park’s program. Please call or email if you have any questions.
Frazier Park Office
3015 Mt. Pinos Way
Frazier Park, CA 93225
Open: Thursdays 9am-3pm.
Debbie Williams