Grids & Handbooks
Parent Handbook
- 7th Grade Type 2 Diabetes Information
- Lesson Plan Assistance
- SLOs
- Writing Across the Grade Levels
- Internet Resources
Courses of Study & Grade Level Grids
Transitional Kindergarten
Transitional Kindergarten – Course of Study

Week 6 Performance Assessment Video

Week 6 Performance Assessment Video

Week 6 Performance Assessment Video

Week 6 Performance Assessment Video

Week 6 Performance Assessment Video
Personal Development
In our efforts to have well-rounded students, Valley Oaks requests that all students complete the following activities by the end of each school year. Most of the activities will be an integral part of the curriculum you are following. You can use this checklist as these school-wide expectations are completed, no matter which curriculum you are using. Ideas for each activity are included, but you can discuss other options and grade level expectations with your Resource Teacher. Keep in mind that you will need to provide information that demonstrates what your student has learned from participating in these activities.
Have a family discussion about goals. Suggestions: Why are goals important? Should you set goals that are easy or hard to reach? How will you be different at each stage of goal-setting? What goals have you as parents set in your lifetime? How can each goal be accomplished? The student should set at least two goals for each of the following:
- Daily goals
- Weekly goals
- Monthly goals
- Yearly goals
- Goals I will complete by age 21
- Goals I will complete by age 40
Students should serve a minimum of three hours in order to receive credit for completing this goal. Suggestions: School (farm, library), Museum (docent, help with events), Community (clean-up, volunteer organizations, charity fund raisers) Church (clean-up, help with children). Document work done (what, where, when, how long) and get signature of the person in charge.
Select a culture and learn more about it. Suggestions: attend an event (Greek Festival, Scottish Celebration, Cinco De Mayo parade, etc.), eat the food, visit a locale, learn the language, research, etc. Document your activity by writing a paper or doing a project that includes what your activity was, dates attended, and what you learned.
Attend a musical or theatrical performance (Bakersfield Symphony, College/High School Orchestra/Choral, Bakersfield Music Theater, American Theater of Arts for Youth, etc.) Suggestions: Do pre-concert research, write a concert/play report, or do a research paper on the composer. Document event, date, and location.
Visit an exhibition (K.C. Museum, K.C. Fair, CALM, any museum/zoo, Bakersfield Art Museum, etc. Suggestions: Do pre-visit research, write a summary, do a research report, or do a drawing of what you learned and enjoyed. Document name of exhibit and date attended.
Begin or continue developing computer skills. See grade level suggestions in handbook. Give a sample or presentation to your resource teacher.
Identify a problem and create a solution. Find something that needs to be improved, cleaned up, organized, invented, modified, etc. Suggestions: Science Fair Project (“how to” packet available) or write a description of the problem and how it was solved. Document what, how, where, and when this task was accomplished.
Give pre-prepared oral presentation to a group of people. Suggestions: Oral Language Festival, Living History Day docent, Enrichment Class, group of teachers, church group or community organization, Poetry/Verse, etc. Document what was presented, how long the presentation was, who the audience was, and where it was given.
Kindergarten – “What I want to be “OR” All about me” project
First – Learn about a career by research, interview, and visit (one page and drawing/collage) OR learn the name of your city, facts about it, and/or make a map.
Second – Famous American Person project and his/her influence on history OR research Personal Ancestral/Family History. (one to five pages with pictures/drawings – packet available)
Third – Kern County Report – focus on historical leaders, resources, climate, and Native Americans. (three pages)
Fourth – California Missions Project – Research a mission, write a report, and create an art project.
Fifth – State Report – (“How to” Packet available) and “States and Capitals” Test.
Sixth – Ancient Civilization History Report or Country Report – include pictures and drawings. (three to five pages)
Seventh – Renaissance/Medieval History Report (research a person, event, or artwork from the time period OR do a Life Science Report choosing a topic from the text. (three to five pages)
Eighth – Pass the Constitution Test (ten week preparation class is offered)